Thursday, January 04, 2007


Windowbreaker has been selected to play at the 22nd Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Santa Barbara hosts 200 features, 50 shorts, and numerous panel discussions over the duration of their fest.

The festival runs from January 25th to February 4th, 2007. We will post showtimes when the festival releases them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the words of Lipps, the unconscious must be accepted as the general basis of the psychic life.. Podington was greatly excited, but he was not frightened, as Buller was.. From one she got pills, from another change, from another packages.. He caught up the Colonel's stick, which was lying on the table.. It has already been emphasized by Dugas that Goblet was forced to repudiate many facts in order to generalize his theory.. He leaped after her again, running as he had not run in years, in savage, determined pursuit, tearing through brier and scrub, tripping, falling, rising, never losing sight of the blue-clad figure before him until at last she tripped and fell, and he stood panting above her.. There was, of course, at the time not a word about undivided attention.. Confronted by the act itself, Abner was suddenly aware that he knew not how to begin.. To one or more horses driven by a coachman of years and experience he did not always object, but to a horse driven by Podington, who had much experience and knowledge regarding mercantile affairs, but was merely an amateur horseman, he most decidedly and strongly objected.. The defendant, while professing to be a total abstainer--a man who, in my own knowledge, has refused spirituous refreshment as an inordinate weakness of the flesh, with shameless hypocrisy underscores with his pencil the following passage and presents it to the plaintiff.. The remark That is all gone arose from the treatment.. Preciosa stood before the mirror, but alarmed at my wild and eager movements, unable to distinguish what I had in my hands, and seeing me raise them suddenly to my face, she shrieked with terror, and fell fainting upon the floor, at the very moment that I placed the glasses before my eyes, and beheld--myself, reflected in the mirror, before which she had been standing.. He tried the defiant experiment of laughing for the effect of it, an experiment which brought him to his feet in startled terror; for his laughter was echoed.. You see the holler there? Well, they's ten foot o' water in it, an' it had ort to be stone dry.. May I ask to whom you are engaged this evening? Perhaps I know the lady--if so, I should be very much tempted to go and beg you from her.. These portions subsequently fitted in, regularly furnish the key to the interpretation.. I ran from her presence, and shouted, and leaped with joy, and sat the whole night through, thrilled into happiness by the thought of her love and loveliness, like a wind-harp, tightly strung, and answering the airiest sigh of the breeze with music.. His only gift was characteristic alike of his methods and his economy.. Matt Pike say he jes' know they's money in it, an' special with a housekeeper keerful an' equinomical like you.. But I had pulled out my spectacles, and put them on for my own purpose, and against his direction and desire...

4:40 AM  

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